The FLS980 combines ultimate sensitivity with high spectral resolution and excellent stray light rejection, setting the industry the standard for both steady state and time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy in the ultraviolet and near-infrared spectral range. The modular construction enables the system to be readily configured to meet your individual research needs as well as be reconfigured as your research changes.
The FLS980 is supplied with computer-controlled, triple grating turret monochromators, with up to three different gratings permanently fitted. This allows a large spectral range to be covered while providing the maximum ease of use.
Two detectors with independent exit slits can be mounted on a single emission monochromator (three on double emission monochromator). Single photon counting PMTs are available to cover the wavelength range from 200 nm – 1700 nm, while analog detectors extend the wavelength range to beyond 5000 nm.
A signal-to-noise ratio of >25,000:1 for the Water Raman Spectrum under standard measurement conditions is guaranteed. This sensitivity allows the spectra of weak dye solutions (< 100 fM) to be routinely measured.
The FLS980 has a USB interface and all modes of operation are controlled by ONE data acquisition module and ONE all-inclusive F980 software package for data acquisition and analysis. Light source, detector, grating, slits, polarizers are all computer-controlled for accurate and precise measurements.
Excitation Sources
The FLS980 comes standard with a 450 W ozone free xenon arc lamp that covers a range of 230 nm to 1000 nm for steady state measurements. A variety of other sources can be integrated including microsecond flashlamps, nanosecond flashlamp, pulsed diode lasers (EPL Series), pulsed light emitting diodes (EPLED Series), supercontinuum lasers, Ti:sapphire lasers, Q-switched solid state lasers and OPOs, dye lasers, and infrared CW and pulsed lasers for upconversion measurements.
Single and double grating Czerny-Turner monochromators are available in the FLS980 with 300 mm (or 2 x 300 mm) focal length, high optical throughput, excellent stray light rejection and low temporal dispersion. The monochromators feature triple grating turrets with up to three gratings on each turret and computer-controlled slits.
A full range of detector options are available to enhance the range of spectral coverage and or to reduce the instrumental response width for lifetime measurements. The instrument comes standard with a R928P PMT detector in a cooled housing which covers a range from 200 nm – 870 nm, in TCSPC mode the instrumental response width is approximately 600 ps. Optional detectors include: high speed PMTs in a cooled housing with instrument response <100 ps, MCP-PMT in cooled housings with a response <25 ps, NIR-PMTs to cover spectral ranges out to 1700 nm with photon counting sensitivity and speed, InGaAs detectors with spectral coverage up to ~1.65 μm, 2.05 um and 2.55 μm, InAs and InSb detectors to cover out to 5.5 μm.
Sample Holders
At the heart of the FLS980 is an exceptionally large sample chamber that allows access to the sample from all sides, top and bottom. This ensures compatibility and simplifies access to a variety of sample holders.

FLS 980 Spectrometer Brochure - PDF 1.7 Meg