TOPAS is a series of femtosecond optical parametric amplifiers (OPAs) for Ti:Sapphire lasers which delivers continuous wavelength tunability from 189 nm to 20 μm, high conversion efficiency, high output stability, and full computer control. With more than 2000 units installed worldwide, TOPAS has become an OPA market leader for numerous scientific applications. TOPAS can be pumped by Ti:Sapphire lasers with pulse duration from 20 fs to 200 fs and pulse energy from 15 μJ to 60 mJ. Custom solutions beyond the given specifications are available.
- Tuning range 1160 – 2600 nm, extendable to 189 nm – 20 μm
- Conversion efficiency of > 25%
- Wavelength extensions and high-energy upgrades
- Nearly bandwidth- and diffraction-limited output
- CEP stabilization of the idler (1600 – 2600 nm)
- High output stability